plugins { alias(libs.plugins.fabric.loom) alias(libs.plugins.loom.quiltflower) alias(libs.plugins.grgit) id "maven-publish" } archivesBaseName = project.archives_base_name version = "${project.mod_version}${getMetadata()}" group = project.maven_group repositories { maven { name = "Modrinth" url = "" content { includeGroup "maven.modrinth" } } maven { name = "Quilt" url = "" } } dependencies { minecraft libs.minecraft mappings variantOf(libs.quilt.mappings) { classifier "intermediary-v2" } modImplementation libs.fabric.loader modImplementation libs.fabric.api modCompileOnly libs.sodium } loom { accessWidenerPath.set file("src/main/resources/cauldron-dyeing.accesswidener") } processResources { "version", project.version filteringCharset "UTF-8" filesMatching("fabric.mod.json") { expand "version": project.version } } tasks.withType(JavaCompile) { it.options.encoding = "UTF-8" // Minecraft 1.18 (1.18-pre2) upwards uses Java 17. it.options.release = 17 } java { // Still required by IDEs such as Eclipse and Visual Studio Code sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17 withSourcesJar() } jar { from("LICENSE") { rename { "${it}_${project.archivesBaseName}"} } } publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { from } } repositories { maven { url = System.getenv("MAVEN_URL") credentials { username = System.getenv("MAVEN_USERNAME") password = System.getenv("MAVEN_PASSWORD") } } } } def getMetadata() { def build_id = System.getenv("GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER") def workflow_id = System.getenv("GITHUB_WORKFLOW") def metadata = "" // Release builds only if (workflow_id == "build-release") { return metadata } if (build_id != null) { metadata += "+build.${build_id}" } else if (grgit != null) { def head = grgit.head() def id = head.abbreviatedId // Flag the build if the build tree is not clean if (!grgit.status().clean) { id += "-dirty" } metadata += "+git.${id}" } return metadata }